My Trip to Springfield in 2004


Just after the 4th of July, Mom and Dad and I drove to Springfield, Missouri for a little 'mini-vacation."  My aunt Martha met us there and we had a great time. We were there for 3 days and two nights and got to do lots and lots of things. We took lots of great pictures, too.

We had a picnic lunch in Sequiota Park and got to explore there for a while. This is a really neat park. Dogs are allowed, so everybody brings their dogs there to play. We saw some of the cutest puppies. The only problem is, Mom, Dad and Aunt Martha were so busy talking they forgot to take any pictures.  Looks like we'll have to go back again just so I can get some good pictures.

After lunch, we drove up to Fantastic Caverns. This place is WAY KEWL!! We rode in wagons behind red jeeps and went way underground. It was cool in the caves (about 60° all the time) and really pretty. We heard lots of stories about the history of the caves and the activities that used to happen there.  Mom remembered to get lots of pictures there. Here they are:

(click on any picture to see it full sized and to read any captions)



The original entrance to the cave discovered by a dog chasing a rabbit.

This is the picture that the tour crew took of our whole group. Click on the little picture to see a close up of Me, Mom, Dad and Aunt Martha.

Mom didn't take these pictures. She got them from Fantastic Caverns. They're lots better than hers.

Click on the Bear to see the pictures from my visit to Ted E. Bear's Toy Factory.

